As the pandemic continues, Caritas of Austin remains focused on helping clients maintain stability and moving even more people into permanent housing. We need your support now.
Helping Clients Maintain a Stable Foundation
Caritas of Austin is focused on moving our neighbors off the streets and into housing and increasing the number of people we house. And because of the pandemic and its impact on unemployment, we’re supporting them for much longer.
Many of the people we serve were among the first to lose their jobs—and those jobs will be among the last to come back. We’re paying rent and utilities longer than usual, so that they can stay in their homes, build a stable foundation, and not become homeless again.
We Need Your Help
The challenges are immense, but not insurmountable– with your help.
And now your gift will have double the impact, thanks to three generous anonymous donors who will match every donation to Caritas up to $30,000.
Your gift of:
$25 = $50
$50 = $100
$100 = $200

How Your Gift Makes a Difference
Every dollar you give will help Caritas provide safe homes and services so that Central Texans like Regina and Kody can thrive.
Regina was a successful real estate agent for twenty years before she developed a series of medical issues, and eventually lost her job and her home. Alone, and with her self-confidence destroyed, she finally reached out to Caritas. In the midst of the pandemic, she became one of the 179 people we were able to get into permanent housing last year. Today Regina has a home and a car and is beginning to rebuild her life.
Kody had often experienced homelessness as a child. He aged out of foster care, struggled with mental illness and substance use, and went back to living on the streets. Kody reached out to Caritas and ended 1,027 days of homelessness just in time for the holidays. He is happy to have a home and is working on his mental health as he searches for employment. Kody inspires us with his hard work, attitude, and how far he has come.
Housing More People
In addition to providing emergency support throughout the pandemic, we’re working to increase access to more affordable housing. This summer we will break ground on our first apartment community to provide Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for even more individuals experiencing homelessness.
The proven PSH model successfully ends homelessness by providing individualized support services that connect people with health care, mental health and/or substance use treatment, and by helping them reach their goals through employment, education, peer support, and healthy food. You can learn more about this program here.
Please make a gift today and help us receive the additional $30,000 through the matching gift opportunity. We don’t want to turn anyone away who truly needs us.